3ES /3LT Ice Palace Dance Process!

Our Learning:

The story “Ice Palace” by Rober Swindells has once again inspired our learning in dance. The story is about a man called Starjik and his hunger wolves, who takes children throughout the night.

Ivan discovers his brother is missing and decides to follow and find his little brother, Ivan is faced with dangers to Starjik cavern.

The children are exploring Ivan’s Emotions when his brother was taken!

3LT Dance Working Process







3ES working procees!




4SP Dance/ Art Fornight


Our Learning:

All children used a visual image of a tree as their ‘stimulus’ to create a short sequence of movement as a starting point!

  • knot Tree
  • The Branch Tree
  • The Connecting Tree
  • The Tunnel Tree

The children Used Improvisation as a creativity tool to creative freedom of movement. Improvisation opens up the mind to spontaneous movement, allowing the body to be free.

Poem words that inspired the Dance piece:

  • Towering trees & November breeze.
  • Splattering of golden leaves, Cloud drifts across the sky.
  • The low sun warms & Hungry birds circle and watch their prey.
  • Leaves whispered leaving autumn behind goodbye.
  • Towing Tree, Away qliver in brisk, Bare trees, Entwined like a knot and Wispy clouds.
  • In the distance, Majestic trees sway, Bitter cold, Breeze, Poor trees not clothed, No leaves, No Blossom, No Fruit and Will you survive?
  • Skeletal trees tangled, knotting, towering trees, winter breeze, tall dead trees and winter winds.
  • sleeping branches.
  • Rotten leaves, damp grass, Rocking side to side, icy breeze, trees die and evil clouds.


Working Process

The Towering Trees


The Tunnel Tree

The Connected Trees








The Knot Trees















Dance Performance
















































Branch Trees floating


Dance Workshop with Parents







Trees falling





Tunnel Tree diving

Trees connecting

Tunnel Trees sperating

Trees flying
























Tunnel Trees awakening

Tunnel Trees

Connecting Trees





























A massive thank you to parents and grandparents for participating in the Dance Workshop. Fantastic collaboration and dance pieces, you all should be extremely proud of yourselfs well done!

Parents comments:

What can I say- just fantastic! So impressed with the children. Amazing dancing, beautiful Art work. Warm lovely environment-just so impressed. Apart from us having to dance too! Please don’t sent to you’ve been framed!

Very impressed with all the children’s. They all worked hard especially in dancing and Art. Thanks to all the teachers who helped all the children. I really enjoyed everything we did today, especially the dancing.

Thank you

Mrs Lynch







1RC Dance/ Art Fornight

Dr. Seuss book ‘The Lorax’ again provided inspiration for Dance!  Y1RC have been working extremely hard learning how to Imitate movement as a Robins, Sparrows, Blue-tits, Owls and Woodpeckers swooping, flying, swerling and Pecking.

A massive well done Y1RC you have definitely demonstrated your true passion for dance!

Dance Workshop

A huge thank you to parents and grandparents for taking part in the Dance workshop. This gave parents and grandparents a chance to collaborate with there children through dance!

Owls swooping.


Woodpeckers pecking

Blue-tits building nests












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Dance in Nursery

Celebrating Dance in Nursery 

This week in Nursery the children have been learning how to turn, twist, jump, balance and still freeze frames.

Fantastic dance moves nursery well done!














Looking forward to next week’s dance class.